Joni and Laser are half-siblings, they both have the same sperm donor. Nic had Joni, and Jules had Laser. I don't know whether or not they told their children which of them had which child, though it's pretty obvious and it comes up here and there. The parents, Nic and Jules are very different it would seem. Nic is a perfectionist doctor who, like many people, desire control in her relationships. Jules is much more of a free spirit. Always trying to start up a new business (this time it's a landscaping venture), and seemingly always never really finishing it, Jules often gets under Nic's skin. This is the most basic and underlying marital squabble in the movie and it's rather cliché, but we have to set up the family is imperfect somehow right?
The issues really start to flare up when Laser convinces Joni to contact their biological father because he can't and she's old enough to do it. She obliges and they meet Paul (Mark Ruffalo). Paul made his donation when he was 19, he's now at least (does math in head... 19 + 18=) 37, a little too old to still be finding himself, though it seems that's exactly what he's doing. From the beginning Joni is obviously much more interested in Paul, for some reason Laser keeps him at a distance (is he trying to protect his sister? His mothers? Himself?) After an awkward scene where Jules and Nic walk in on Laser and his friend watching their (the mother's) male gay pornography (weird? Idk), Jules and Nic sit Laser down and have a talk. Thinking they know about Paul, he admits to his and Joni's meeting with their father, Jules and Nic just thought (hoped?) he may have been gay.

The homosexual aspect of the story does elicit some interesting questions, though the movie never seems to want to answer them. Are we supposed to? I guess so, though I don't really want to know about the psychology that drives a lesbian to passionately desire the man who donated the sperm that fathered her child. I'm sure somebody does though.
The acting is OK, nothing special. It's not the acting that will draw you into the movie, it's the story, and the story is better than the acting though not good enough to merit the praise it's getting.
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